To specify what a portal pane displays, you select a content type. The content type determines the information that the user will access (such as tasks) or the action that they will perform (such as scheduling new appointments).
Portal pane content provides users with quick access to important company announcements, various tasks, search results, reports, Web sites, and so on.
The kinds of information that are added to portal panes are referred to as content types. The following table lists the various content types that you can include in a portal pane, along with a description and usage of each.
Portal Pane Content Types and Their Usage
Content type |
Description |
Use to |
Action Link |
Allows users to create new records from their home page or to access a TeamConnect user tool from their home page. When a user clicks an action link from a portal pane, the result is the same as selecting the corresponding options from either the Create a new or Tools drop-down lists in the user interface. The portal pane titled "Home Owner Claims" in the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image is an example of an action link. For more details about action links, see Adding Action Links. |
Create the following records with or without a wizard: •Accounts •Appointments •Contacts (can specify a New Company link or a New Person link) •Contact Groups (Address Books) •Custom Objects •Expenses •Invoices •Tasks Access the following tools: •Document Generator •Expense Batch Entry •Task Batch Entry •Scheduler |
Object Link |
Allows users to open specific records or to search for specific records from their home page. When a user clicks an object link from a portal pane to search for a specific record, the result is the same as selecting the corresponding options from the Go to drop-down list in the user interface. The portal pane titled "Important Contacts" in the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image is an example of an Object Link portal pane. Also, allow users to open specific search screens from their home page. For details, see Adding Search View Object Links. Important: Search View object links function differently from the Search View content type. Search View object links are essentially links to a Filter tab of a search screen, whereas content items of the type Search View display the results of a search within the portal pane. For more details, see Adding Object Links. |
Create links to access the following: •Specific contacts •Specific projects (custom object) •Specific accounts •Specific users •Specific groups •Search views •Specific global forums |
Search View |
Allows users to view specific search results that appear within their portal pane. Search views in portal panes are the same search views defined for each object within TeamConnect. You can include any existing search view in a portal pane--provided that the Usable in Portal Panes option is selected when you create the search view. Tip: Create separate search views for portal panes. To learn more about Search View qualifiers, see Search View Filter Display. The portal pane titled "My Upcoming Appointments" in the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image is an example of a search view. For more details, see Adding Search Views. |
Display search results for a specific search view within the portal pane in one of the following ways: •Tabular view—Search results appear in a table format, like the Results tab of most search screens. •Drop-down list—Search results appear in a drop-down list. |
Report |
Allows users to see a report's results, or to link to a report. The reports must already have been designed and tested. A report is implemented in a portal pane through the use of the tc:report tag or the tc:reportLink tag. Details about these tags are found in Using Tags to Embed Reports in Blocks. |
Display report results in one of the following ways: •Report results appear directly in the portal pane. •A link in the portal pane allows the user to execute a report, or jump to a specific folder of reports. |
Text |
Serves both of the following purposes: •Links to a network location. For example: <a href="networkLocation" target="_blank">networkLocationLabel</a> Important: You must specify a target attribute. If you do not, the network location opens in the same window as TeamConnect. •Displays text to users upon viewing a particular home page. Messages can be displayed to the entire organization, or to a specific group of users, depending on who has access to the particular home page on which the portal pane appears. The portal pane titled "ClientGuard Messages" in the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image on page 306 is an example of a portal pane displaying text. For more details, see Adding Text. |
•Access network locations through hyperlinks. •Display messages in plain text or HTML format. HTML content can also include references to files hosted on outside servers. |
Web URL |
Links to Web sites outside of TeamConnect. When a user clicks a Web URL link in a portal pane, the specified URL is passed directly to the Address field of a new browser window. Web URL links can be set based on what is necessary for the users to access and view. The portal pane titled "Important Web Links" in the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image is an example of a Web URL portal pane. For more details, see Adding Web URLs. |
Access Web sites through hyperlinks. |
Custom Content |
Displays customized content and formatting through use of Java class files. The portal pane titled "My Stocks" in the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image is an example of a Custom Content portal pane. Note: To create a Custom Content portal pane, you need extensive experience with the Java programming language. For more details, see Adding Custom Content. |
Access specialized content that is created with Java class files, such as TeamConnect publications, weather, stocks, and so on. |
WebIntelligence URLs |
(WebIntelligence only) Link to WebIntelligence reports. Important: You must have System Preferences set appropriately. |
Access WebIntelligence software through hyperlinks. |