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You can use block tags to embed reports or links to reports within a block.


This tag renders the report's chart output within the block. It does not render tabular results.

The <tc:report> tag:

Must always be in lowercase.

Must use two attributes:

oThe path attribute (required) that references the location and name of the appropriate report

oThe width and height attributes (optional) that define how much visual space in the block to use for report output. Their default value is 500px.

Can contain one or more <tc:parameter> tags nested inside the <tc:report> tag.

Uses the following syntax:

<tc:report path="path to report" width="500px" height="500px" />

opath to report—The location and name of the report you want to render. The path is based on the root folder for Reports in TeamConnect. Folders are delimited with the forward slash (/) character.

Even though each path starts with the name of the root folder, "Reports," the tag also supports omitting the string "Reports" from the beginning of the path and using just a forward slash to imply the root. This shortened form of designating the root folder is valid for all paths in all report tags.

o500px—The separate sizes for the width and height of the space for rendering chart output. 500 pixels is the default for both. The suffix "px" or "%" is required at the end of the value to determine the units of measurement. The suffix "px" means that the size is measured in pixels. The suffix "%" means that the size is measured as a percentage of the size of the block itself.

For example, the following code sample renders chart output for report OC_Spending, which is found in subfolder ManagementReports beneath the root report folder. The default width and height for the chart output have been overridden with specific values:

<tc:report path="/ManagementReports/OC_Spending" width="650px" height="400px"/>


This tag renders a link within the block. When clicked, the link executes a report. The report appears in a new page, with a link on that page to return to the block that you had been viewing. The user interface of the new page is almost identical to that presented by the Reports page when you click on the name of one of the listed reports.

The <tc:reportLink> tag:

Must always be in mixed case, as shown.

Uses the following attribute:

oThe path attribute (required) that references the location and name of the appropriate report.

Can contain one or more <tc:parameter> tags nested inside the <tc:reportLink> tag.

Uses the following syntax:

<tc:reportLink path="path to report"/>

opath to report—The location and name of the report you want to render. The path is based on the root folder for Reports in TeamConnect. Folders are delimited with the forward slash (/) character.

For example, the following code sample renders a link to report OC_Spending, which is found in subfolder ManagementReports beneath the root report folder:

<tc:reportLink path="/ManagementReports/OC_Spending"/>


This tag renders a link within the block. When clicked, the link opens a page as if the user had navigated to the Reports tab of the application and to the path specified in this tag. The section is equivalent to the section described in Using Report Folders. No reports run as a result of this link, but the user may then select one of the reports within the specified folder.

The <tc:reportFolderLink> tag:

Must always be in mixed case, as shown.

Uses the following attribute:

The path attribute (required) that references the location and name of the report folder.

Uses the following syntax:

<tc:reportFolderLink path="path to folder"/>

opath to folder—The location and name of the report folder you want to display. The path is based on the root folder for Reports in TeamConnect. Folders are delimited with the forward slash (/) character.

For example, the following code sample renders a link to subfolder ManagementReports beneath the root Reports folder:

<tc:reportFolderLink path="/ManagementReports"/>

To link to the root Reports folder itself, use either syntax:

<tc:reportFolderLink path="/"/>

<tc:reportFolderLink path="Reports"/>


This tag supplies a value to a parameter that a report uses. This tag is only valid within the body of a <tc:report> tag or a <tc:reportLink> tag.

Note: If a report uses parameters, and a parameter is not specified within the <tc:report> tag or <tc:reportLink> tag, the parameter runs with the default value.

The <tc:parameter> tag:

Must always be in lowercase.

Uses the following attributes:

oThe name attribute (required) corresponds to the parameter name that the report designer defines. If the name value is not resolved at report runtime, an error message appears.

oThe value attribute (required) specifies the value associated with this parameter during the execution of the report.

The value attribute can contain a list of multiple values, separated by semicolons.

If the value(s) for this attribute are not resolved at report runtime, an error message appears.

Permissible values are dependent on the datatype of the parameter. Most datatypes allow the value of the parameter to be expressed as a string literal, as long as that string conforms to the datatype. For example, a date datatype accepts the string "2011-04-30" and a category datatype accepts the string "EXPE_ABCD". Datatypes that do not permit string literals include User, Project, Contact, Involved, and Account. For those five datatypes, you must use an attribute path expression.

Parameters of datatype Enum accept a string literal composed of one or more Java constant names. Multiple names are delimited by semicolons (;). For more information about Enum (enumerations) see Enumerations.

All datatypes, whether or not they permit string literals, accept an attribute path expression that references an object compatible with the datatype. Examples of attribute path expressions are ${cjb.startedOn} for a date parameter and ${applicationEntity.treePosition} for a lookup table parameter.

Uses the following syntax (shown within a containing tc:report tag):

<tc:report path="path to report" width="500px" height="500px">

<tc:parameter name="name" value="value"/>

<tc:parameter name="name" value="value"/>


opath to report—The location and name of the report you want to render. The path is based on the root folder for Reports in TeamConnect. Folders are delimited with the forward slash (/) character.

o500px—The separate sizes for the width and height of the space for rendering chart output. 500 pixels is the default for both. The suffix "px" or "%" is required at the end of the value to determine the units of measurement. The suffix "px" means that the size is measured in pixels. The suffix "%" means that the size is measured as a percentage of the size of the block itself.

oname—The name of the parameter that the report designer knows.

ovalue—The object or literal that contains a value to be associated with the parameter for this execution of the report.

For example, the following code sample renders chart output for report RejectedInvoices, which is found in subfolder ManagementReports beneath the root report folder. The default width and height for the chart output are overridden with specific values. A report parameter named "pastXdays" is assigned a value contained in the attribute path "limitDays":

<tc:report path="ManagementReports/RejectedInvoices" width="650px" height="400px">

<tc:parameter name="pastXdays" value="${cjb.limitDays}"/>
