Use report folders to organize reports into useful groups. For example, you may want to group all financial reports into one folder, and all Dispute matter reports into another. When you select a folder in the left pane, its contents appear in the right pane. Folders can contain reports and sub-folders.
Folders may be public or private; a public folder can be changed by any user with the appropriate rights, and a private folder can only be changed by the user who created it.
You can create new folders and drag-and-drop reports from the right pane into folders in the left pane. You can also drag-and-drop a folder into a different folder so that it becomes a sub-folder.
Depending on your rights, you can delete any folder except the top-level Reports folder.
1.Click the Reports tab. 2.Click the parent folder under which you want to create a new folder. 3.In the main view, click the New Folder button. The folder's General page opens.
4.In the Folder Name field, enter a name. The Folder Path name is determined by the option you selected in step 2. If you selected the Reports folder name, this field shows Reports; if you selected an existing folder, this field shows the same information as the folder you selected.
5.(optional) Enter a Unique Key that identifies this folder and a Description of the contents of this folder. 6.Select a save option. |
Note: You must have appropriate rights to move reports and you can only move reports to which you have rights.
1.Select the folder that contains the reports that you want to move. The contents of the folder appear in the right pane.
2.In the right pane, click the appropriate report, and then drag-and-drop it into the appropriate folder in the left pane. Tip: You can view all reports in the All Reports collection regardless of its current folder.
In the left pane, click and drag a folder into a different folder.
The selected folder, its sub-folders, and all of its Reports are moved.
1.Open the properties of the report folder that you want to delete. 2.Click the Delete button. The folder and all of its contents are deleted if you have the appropriate rights.
If the folder that you want to delete contains reports to which you do not have access, only the reports that you have rights to are deleted. The folder is not deleted. You cannot delete Reports that are locked for editing.
If the folder that you want to delete contains "drill-down" reports (reports that are linked to other reports), a warning pop-up informs you of this condition and lists the names of the other reports. You may then choose whether to continue with the deletion. If you do continue, the drill-down reports are deleted and the links between the drill-down reports and the other reports are erased.
1.Follow the steps associated with security for any TeamConnect record, as described in Editing Record Security. 2.The field Folder Security allows you to choose whether your security settings apply to this folder only, or to this folder and all subfolders (default value). |