You can view and manage reports using the Reports tab.
You can display a list of reports in the right pane as follows:
•By clicking a collection link in the left pane
•By clicking a report folder in the left pane
In the list view, you can sort reports by several default options.
Additionally, you can add graphic representations and tabular reports to a dashboard or home page. See Dashboards and Portal Panes for more information.
The Reports main view contains the following elements:
•Collections—Contains reports in the named groupings, such as Recently Viewed which contains the last 20 reports that you opened. See Viewing Collections of Records for more information.
•Folders—A view of the report folder hierarchy. See Using Report Folders for more information.
•Chart icon—Displays the type of chart type that is defined for this report. The chart type may be a graphic representation, such as a bar or line chart, or tabular which looks like a spreadsheet.
•Report name—The name of the report. You can click the report name to run a report. See Running Reports for more information.
•Properties icon—Opens the Properties page, which lets you view report information and do limited edits to report parameters.
From the Properties page, you may also click the Edit link to edit the report's properties. See Building Reports for more information.
You may click the Delete button to delete the report entirely.
If the report you want to delete is a "drill-down" report (is linked to other reports), a pop-up warning informs you of this condition and lists the names of the other reports. You may then choose whether to continue with the deletion. If you do continue, the drill-down report is deleted and the links between the drill-down report and the other reports are erased.
You may also run the report from the Properties page, by clicking the Run Report button in that view.
•Edit properties icon—Opens the report in edit mode. See Building Reports for more information.
Additionally, you can view when the report was last run, who last modified the report, and the date when it was modified.
Once you run a report, with the appropriate rights, you can make changes to its properties, change the way it appears, and then run it again. See Running Reports, and Changing the Appearance of a Report for more information.
By making a selection in the Sort By drop-down list, you can sort reports in the right pane in the following ways:
•Recently Viewed—Displays the reports in the Recently Viewed collection. This selection only appears if the Recently Viewed tab is clicked on the report list page.
•Name A-Z—View reports in ascending order.
•Name Z-A—View reports in descending order.
•Last Run Date - Newest to Oldest—View reports with the most recently run at the top of the list.
•Last Run Date - Oldest to Newest—View reports with the oldest date on top.