You can edit the way your report output appears. The options that are available are based on the type of chart that you are viewing and your assigned rights.
Note: Changes in chart view are temporary and do not alter the original view of this chart. You can export changes, but to make permanent changes, you must have rights to edit chart properties.
Note: Most of the features discussed in this section are not supported on the Apple iPad, since Adobe Flash is not available on the iPad. The alternative chart output on the iPad may differ from Flash output in background color, bar colors, pie colors, column colors, area colors, line colors and y-axis value.
1.View the chart that you want to change. 2.In the chart bar, make the appropriate changes. See the Chart View field descriptions table for specific chart bar option information. The changes are immediately reflected in the chart view.
 Chart Bar
The table below contains the available options for the different types of reports.
The type of chart in which you want to view the report data.
•Bar •Column •Pie •Line •Area For specific information about chart types, see Types of Report Formats.
The way the information appears graphically. The available options are based on the chart you select in the Type list as follows:
•Bar and Column charts—Stacked, Clustered, Stacked 3D, or Clustered 3D •Pie chart—2D or 3D •Area chart—Stacked or Not Stacked •Line chart—With Marker or Without Marker |
Location of the chart legend.
•Bottom •Right •None |
Location and orientation of the X-Axis label. Applies to Bar, Column, Line, and Area charts only.
•None—No axis labels are displayed. •Wrap—Displays text horizontally. This is the default. •Rotate—Displays text vertically. •Slant—Displays test at a 45-degree angle. •Stagger—Displays text in an alternating pattern; one above, one below. Wrap and Stagger are not supported on the Apple iPad, since Adobe Flash is not available on the iPad.
Display or hide the values on the chart.
•Show •Hide |
How many results to show on the chart.
•All—Show all available results. •Top—Sort the results in descending order (highest to lowest) based on the first data series, then display the first X results based on the number selected in the spinner box. •Bottom—Sort the results in ascending order (lowest to highest) based on the first data series, then display the first X results based on the number selected in the spinner box. |