When you run a report, the output is automatically cached (stored in the computer's memory). If you navigate away from the report to do other work in TeamConnect, then return to the report, the output is retrieved from the cache without re-running the report.
Note: Reports are cached on your Home Page only.
TeamConnect continues to use the cached output unless it encounters one of the following conditions. If any of these conditions are true, the report output will be produced from a new run, not from cache:
•The Data Warehouse has been refreshed since the last time you ran the report.
•The report properties have been edited and saved (by you, or another user) since the last time you ran the report.
•The report uses the Tabular Only chart type. Output for this chart type is not cached. All other chart types are cached.
•The report has parameters, and you are executing the report from within the Parameters page. In this case, cache will not be used. (A report with parameters that is executed by simply clicking its name in the report list page will still use cache.)
•You run out of cache memory on your computer. If you cache a large number of reports and the cache uses all the memory reserved for it, the cache will remove the oldest cached report output in order to make room for new, incoming report output. The older reports will no longer be available in cache.
•The report is re-run by clicking on a report in the list view, or by clicking the Run Report button.
It is possible to change the appearance of report output using the chart bar, as described in Changing the Appearance of a Report. But such changes do not affect the stored output in cache. Only changes to the report properties themselves would affect cache - property changes would force a new, full run of the report.