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Enumerations are represented in the Object Model by typeIID (Internal ID) attributes that can only have static, predefined values. The predefined values of these enumerations are listed in parentheses in the Comments column of the table for each such attribute. In some queries you may wish to use the integer that represents each value. In other situations, such as embedding report tags into custom blocks, you will need to use the Java constant name for the value instead of the integer.

As an example, consider attribute typeIID in entity TInvoice. It has four possible values:


Java constant

Text shown to end user (US English locale)






Credit Note






Shadow Invoice

The text displayed to the end user for an enumeration may vary depending upon the locale that is being used for the session. However, the Java constant names will always be those described in the Comments for the attribute, regardless of locale.

If you are querying the actual database value, you would look for one of the integers (0 through 3). If you are referencing this attribute in connection with a report tag in a custom block you would use the Java constant name that corresponds to the value you are looking for.

The datatype shown for enumerations in the Object Model tables is Enum. This usually represents an integer datatype in the underlying database (although some enumerations are character datatypes), extended with predefined values and Java constant names.

Note: All enumerations in this Object Model have attribute names ending in "IID". There is further information about enumerations in .XCT files that are provided in the installation media; see Viewing XCT Files.