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You must understand the meaning of the following terms in order to work with this document:

Object is used to refer to objects in the object model. This is a different definition for this term than for other TeamConnect documentation. The distinction is that in TeamConnect's GUI, only the main objects are treated as objects (for example, System Objects, Custom Objects, Related Objects, and so on). In the object model, this term is more broad.

Object Navigator is a UI tool that allows you to navigate through tables that represent objects in the object model. This makes it easier for you to select attributes when necessary for the task you are completing. For more details about Object Navigator, see Using Object Navigator.

Attributes are the building blocks of objects, and represent the actual data that end user enter into TeamConnect. They also represent relationships between objects. For example, every Custom Object consists of over a dozen attributes, all of which are listed in the main object table for Project: mainAssignee, createdOn, createdBy, closedOn, defaultCategory, and so on. All of the attributes for an object are listed in its corresponding table in the document.

End of path If an attribute is an end of path, it can be selected at the end of a path in Object Navigator. An end of path contains some type of value, such as a number, date, or text.

If an item cannot be selected as the ending of a path, it is a "bridge" and exists in the object model for the purpose of establishing relationships to other objects.

Bridge If an attribute is a Bridge, it allows you to traverse to other tables in Object Navigator that correspond to objects in the object model. Some bridges correspond to database columns and represent a specific data value. However, not all bridge attributes exist in the database. If an item is marked as a bridge but not an end of path, it does not represent a database column. It represents a one-to-many relationship and exists in the object model for the purpose of establishing relationships to other tables, and can never be selected as an end of path.

Table is used to refer to objects, for three reasons:

oEach table in this document represents an object in the object model. This format is used to convey the information in a logical and visual manner.

oObject Navigator represents objects by displaying them as tables in the UI.

oAll of the objects in this document have corresponding tables in the database, with corresponding columns for most attributes.