To verify information about the attributes in any table, such as the data type or equivalent database column or table name, you can view the XCT file corresponding to the table. The XCT files provide mapping between the database and the object model. These files are used by Object Navigator to obtain the correct attributes. In the XCT files, the external name of an attribute or table is its name in the TeamConnect database.
The XCT files are located on the TeamConnect installation media in the utilities/objectmodel directory. This directory contains two folders: simpletypes and complextypes.
•utilities/objectmodel/complextypes contains the XCT files for all objects in the object model.
•utilities/objectmodel/simpletypes contains the XCT files for typeIID attributes. These object attributes are enumerations that are permitted to have only certain static values that have been predefined. Each file in the simpletypes directory provides a list of possible values for the corresponding typeIID attribute. The values are also listed in this document in the Comments column for each typeIID attribute.