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You can use a search view that you have created to display useful information to users in their TeamConnect Home page, such as the tasks to which they are assigned, their daily appointments, and projects for which they are the main assignee.

Search views that are created for use in home pages have several requirements:

The Portal Pane check-box on the search views General tab must be selected. If this check-box is not selected, then the search view is not available in the Content section of the Portal Pane screen.

Qualifiers with predefined values are required in order for the search view to display properly in the portal pane. If no search qualifiers are defined on the Filter Display tab of the search view, then the portal pane lists all available records in the database for that object. If desired, the qualifiers can be invisible.

For example, you might want the portal pane to list the current user's tasks to which they are assigned, rather than the tasks for all users.

You should also take into consideration which extra qualifiers you want to have available when the user clicks Edit Filter in the portal pane, and make these qualifiers visible qualifiers.

For example, you might want to give the user the ability to further limit the Tasks that appear according to the date which they are due.

You must ensure that each search view has an object link display key in order for users to have direct access to records from the search view.

Card and Calendar display types for the Contact and Appointment objects are not available for search views in home pages.

The following steps describe how to create a search view that you can use in a portal pane. To learn more about using search views in portal panes, see Adding Search Views.