Entity Name
Automatically displays the name of the object for which this search view is defined.
View Name
Enter a descriptive name for the search view as you want it to appear in the left pane of the corresponding search screen (maximum 250 characters).
Note: It is recommended not to create a name that includes special characters. For example: ?, \, /, |, :, <, >, *, %, %, #, &, (, ), {, }, [, , _, ". If the view is enabled for IMAP synchronization (IMAP Search), then special characters will be replaced by hyphens in the IMAP Client folder names. See Enabling IMAP Search for Custom Object Search Views.
Unique Key
Enter an alphanumeric combination to uniquely identify the search view. Search views within the same object definition cannot have the same unique key, but search views belonging to different object definitions can have the same key.
The unique key must be 50 or fewer characters in length and cannot contain spaces, underscores, commas, punctuation marks, or any special characters.
After you save the search view, the unique key appears as read-only text and you cannot change it.
Results Display Type

(Contact and appointment search views only)
Select the type of results display for the search screen. The results display type only affects the way the search results appear, not search criteria.
Most search views display the search results in the form of a list (also known as a tabular display), with a Results tab or a displayed records section that contains the list of results and a Filter tab or search criteria section that contains the search criteria. Contact and appointment search views support the following additional display types:
•Card (for the Contact object)—All results appear in a grid format rather than a list. Each contact's information appears in one cell, instead of in a row across the screen. •Calendar (for the Appointment object)—Search results appear in the form of a calendar, with appointments displayed as links to the appointment records. The Appointment object, when invoked from the tab bar in the end user interface, will automatically determine which of its search views uses the Calendar results display type. It will open the Appointments page using that search view.
You cannot design display columns for the Card or Calendar views. However, you can specify how many contact cards appear on a page of results as a system-wide setting.
Used For
Custom Search
Select this to make the search view a template for a custom search. In a custom search, the user determines which fields (out of the fields available in the search view) are used as criteria. There are several special considerations for a custom search template - for details, see Custom Search Templates.
Calendaring Application
The use of calendaring applications is not currently supported in TeamConnect.
Select to make the search view visible in another application, such as Microsoft Outlook, allowing the user to select an individual record from the list of search results.
Related Object
Select to make the search view available for searching from within a related object record. In these situations, the object for which you are creating the search view is considered to be a related object. This option is available in search views for all objects except for Contact.
If your Filter Display tab uses the search criterion Parent Project, you cannot use this Related Object feature in the same search view.
Tip: Create a search view with only Related Object selected and set the search view to Auto Search. This allows users to quickly see records related to the record they are working with, as the search is performed when they first access the block or tab.
Portal Pane
Select to make the search view available to be included in portal panes within home pages. For details, see Creating Search Views for Home Pages.
Card and Calendar results display types cannot be displayed in portal panes. Therefore, when one of these is selected as the Results Display Type in a contact or appointment search view, the Portal Pane option is removed from the General tab.
Search Module
(Account, Contact, Project, and User search views only)
Select to make the search view available in the search module for the object. For more details, see About Search Views in Search Modules.
Contact search views display two additional options when you select Search Module:
•Person and Company Search—The search view is available to search for Person and Company contacts in all contact search module system fields except for the Company field in contacts. It is also available in custom fields of type Involved. •Company Search Only—The search view is available to search only for Company contacts from the Company field of contacts and in custom fields of type Involved, but not from any other contact search module system fields. |
Used For
Object Collection
Select to make the search view available as one of the Collection links in the left navigation pane of the application's user interface. When regular users are looking at collections of records, this search view will be one of the links available to them. Clicking on the link will launch this search view.
Users do not ordinarily get access to a collection unless they manually subscribe to the collection. However, you can give users access to an object collection as explained in the process Subscribing and Unsubscribing for Collections.
Type an integer to specify the display Order in which you want this search view to appear in the Current View drop-down list on the search screen, relative to other search views defined for the selected object.
The search view with the lowest order is the first search view in the list, and appears when the user first opens the search screen. This is also the search view used by Global Searches for specific object records.
If search views have the same display Order (for example, they are all set to 0), they are sorted alphabetically in the Current View drop-down list.
Auto Search
Select this check-box to automatically do a search and display search results based on predefined criteria on the Filter Display tab. For more details, see About Auto Search.