Email messages can be shared between IMAP clients and TeamConnect Documents folders for custom object records (such as Dispute attachment folders in the Documents area). You must enable an IMAP Search option for a custom object definition's search views before corresponding TeamConnect-IMAP Mail folders for that search view's results become available in the IMAP client.
Keep the following tips in mind when enabling IMAP search for custom object search views:
•Only custom object search views may be configured to display IMAP folders.
•If a custom object has no search views with IMAP Search enabled, the corresponding custom records will not display as TeamConnect-IMAP Email folders from the IMAP client or TeamConnect views.
•If a custom object search view with IMAP enabled returns no record results, the record's TeamConnect-IMAP Email folder still displays.
•The current user only sees results from a custom object search view corresponding to records that the user has rights to see.
•Special characters (?, \, /, |, :, <, >, *, %, #, &, (, ), {, }, [, ], _, ") in custom object search view names or Record Number fields are replaced with hyphens (-) in the IMAP client view when IMAP Search is enabled.
•When using Lotus Notes as an IMAP client, do not to use underscores (_) in search view names, project numbers, or IMAP subfolders because Lotus Notes removes the first underscore from the folder names.