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Search qualifiers are usually displayed as search criteria fields on the Filter Display tab of the search view. These qualifiers are called visible qualifiers, and are available to the user. For example, in a search view for Invoice records, a user could search by Invoice Date, Posting Status, Invoice Number, and the Service Date of a line item. To make a qualifier visible, select the Visible check-box when defining the qualifier on the Filter Display tab of the search view.

However, in certain search screens, you might want to limit the scope of the user's search results using qualifiers that are not available on the Custom Search page. This is done by creating invisible qualifiers. Invisible qualifiers cannot be accessed by the user, because they are not displayed in the search criteria. An invisible qualifier is applied to all searches performed with this search view.

For example, you might want users who search for Matter records to see only records they are assigned to in the search results. This would require creating an invisible qualifier that has the field name assigneeList_User and the condition value Current User (see the search qualifier listed in the Filter Display Tab on Search View Screens image). Only records that are assigned to the user who is currently performing the search appear in the search results.

The qualifier with the label Created this month in the Filter Display Tab on Search View Screens image is another example of an invisible qualifier. This qualifier automatically limits the search results so that only records that have been created during the last 30 days appear on the Results page of the user's search.

To make a qualifier invisible, clear the Visible check-box when defining the qualifier on the Filter Display tab of the search view.

Important: If no condition value is entered, an invisible qualifier has no effect.