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Defining custom object views is the last step in the process of customizing what information different users or groups see in TeamConnect.

Custom object views typically consist of the system blocks and custom blocks. Before creating and assigning object views, you should consider the following questions:

Have you defined all categories necessary for the object?

All custom fields and blocks are category-specific, which means they can be created and displayed by category only. For information on defining categories, see Using Categories.

Have you created all custom fields necessary for the object?

Custom fields are the central component of object views, as they are used to store information specific to your organization, and are used in blocks. For information on defining custom fields, see Creating Custom Fields.

If you are going to use custom blocks, have you created all custom blocks you need for the object view?

Blocks are sets of information that are included into different object views created for different groups of users. For information on defining blocks, see the Screen Designer Help.

If you answered yes to all questions that apply to your needs, you are ready to create your own custom object views. After you have defined your object views, you must assign them to the appropriate groups or the entire system.