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Object views are pages created to display object records. These views consist of sets of tabs providing complete information about a record. Within TeamConnect we distinguish between two types of object views, system and custom.

The Designer interface uses "tab" to signify a page in the end-user interface. However, switching between pages in that interface is accomplished by clicking on links in the left pane, not by clicking on tabs. In general in this section, a tab corresponds to a left-pane link.

System object views are the predefined record pages created for TeamConnect objects (both system and custom). You can see what each system view includes, but you cannot change, delete or add new system views.

Custom object views are the pages that you, as the TeamConnect solution developer, create for your organization to meet its specific needs or individual preferences. In other words, you can create your own custom views, change, and delete the existing custom views, as necessary.

If different groups are going to see different object views, assign each view to the appropriate groups with their Group Account pages.

If the rest of the TeamConnect users who do not have a default group set in their user accounts are going to see the same custom view, assign it globally in the System Settings screen.

By default, all object views that appear to the TeamConnect users are set on the Default Object Views tab of the System Settings screen, where all objects have their system views automatically selected as their default views. To change these settings, you have to first create your desired custom views for the necessary objects and then assign them as default one for the whole system.

Note: If you decide to keep the system object views, you do not have to create or define object views. If you decide to create and define custom object views, continue through the sections that follow.

For all objects, you have the option of either using the system views or creating your own custom views as follows:

Defining Object Views

Creating Object Views

Assigning Object Views

Object View Names

There are certain object view naming conventions that are followed when system views are created for all objects. This makes it easier for you to distinguish between the system and custom views of the system and custom objects.

All system views of the system objects have the same name as the objects themselves, for example account, contact, and so on.

All system views of the custom objects have the name of the object with the word "Project" after it, for example Claim Project, Policy Project, Litigation Project, and so on.

All custom views of all objects have the names you, as the solution developer, assigned to them when creating them. See Creating Object Views.

The following image shows a Designer example of system object views as they appear on the Default Object Views tab in the System Settings screen.

Default Object Views Tab on System Settings Screen

Default Object Views Tab on System Settings Screen