By default, all users see the system views for all objects as specified on the Default Object Views tab of the System Settings screen. After a custom object view is created, you must assign it either to a group or to the entire system before users are able to use that object view.
The object views that are set in the System Settings screen are going to be displayed for a user who:
•Does not belong to a user group
•Has no default group selected in his or her user account
•Has the (Select a View) option displayed next to the custom object in default Object Views tab of his or her default group.
Note: The default object views set in group accounts always take precedence over the system settings.
1.In the Designer window bar, in the System Settings drop-down list select Default Object Views. 2.Scroll to the object to which you want to assign a view and do one of the following actions: oIf you want to set a certain custom view created for the object as default for the system, select the name of that view in the drop-down list next to the object. oIf you want to set the system view of the object as default for the system, select that view in the drop-down list next to the object. For details on how to identify a system view in the list, see Object View Names. 3.Repeat step 2 for all objects to which you want to change default views. 4.Click Save. The selected settings take effect immediately, and the users who do not have a default group set in their user accounts see the object views assigned to the system.