Categories are list items used to organize custom fields into blocks of fields in records. By adding or deleting categories in a record, users display or hide the associated blocks of fields. You may also use categories to organize records by certain types, such as employee contact records as opposed to non-employee contact records.
In custom pages, all custom fields, and custom blocks are tied directly to categories, that is, they are created and displayed by category only. For details, see Custom Fields.
Note: The word details is sometimes used to signify a block of custom fields, in the end-user interface, that are specific to one category. Since many categories may be assigned to a single record, it is also possible for details to represent a collection of many such blocks.
When granting user groups access to information on custom pages, you must give them the rights to the categories for which the custom fields were created.
Consider the following points when working with categories:
•Based on categories, you may create and display custom fields, and blocks.
•When users delete categories from records, any data in the associated fields is lost.
•If you delete a category from an object definition, the fields associated with the category and any data in the fields are lost.
•Access to all categories in the end-user interface is controlled by the rights assigned to user group accounts.
•The categories for the Involved object are called Involved Roles and appear in the Involved block of each custom object record.
•When you create a category, you specify a four-character alphanumeric combination to uniquely identify it in the TeamConnect database. For more details, see Category Tree Positions.
•A category name must be unique within its object if it has any custom fields included in Data Warehouse.