You can view lists of categories through the Categories tab in a specific object definition.
In the end-user interface, categories appear in the Categories page of each object record (except for Tasks and Expenses), where users can select them from the Category hierarchical list.
1.In the Designer window, select Object Definitions from the Go to drop-down list. The Object Definition List appears.
2.Click the appropriate object definition. The General tab of the object definition appears
3.Click the Categories tab.  Categories Tab
4.In the Show items in node list, select the appropriate node where you want to view categories. 5.Do one of the following actions: a.To add categories, see Adding Object Categories. b.To edit categories, see Editing Object Categories. c.To inactivate categories, see Inactivating Object Categories. d.To delete categories, see Deleting Object Categories. |
The following table describes the items in the Categories tab.
Field or control
Show items in node
Select the appropriate node (hierarchy level) where you want to add the category.
Item Name
Enter a name for the category.
The maximum length is 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter an integer to indicate the order in which the category appears in the Category drop-down list in the end-user interface.
Categories with the same Order appear in alphabetical order.
Tip: It may be helpful to enter orders in increments of five. If you ever have to add more categories, you have leeway as to where you insert them.
Tree Position
Enter a four-character alphanumeric combination to identify the category.
This combination is the category's partial tree position. The full tree position of a category must include the partial tree positions of its parent categories all the way up to the root category. For more details, see Points To Remember.
Although you can enter the tree position in uppercase or lowercase, it is saved in uppercase letters in the database.
Category List
Displays a list of categories created for the object.
Select or clear the corresponding check-boxes on the left to delete or edit categories.
Click to change the name of the selected category.
For more details, see Editing Object Categories.
Click to delete the selected category.
Caution: Deleting categories can cause the loss of associated data. If you delete a node, all of its sub-levels and their data entries are also removed. If your system is in production, consider inactivating categories instead of deleting them.
For more details, see Deleting Object Categories.
inactivate/ activate
Click to inactivate or activate the selected category.
When you inactivate a category, users can see the item in all fields that reference the category, but they cannot select it. Inactivated categories appear differently than active categories. For more information, see Inactivating Object Categories.