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From a Timekeeper record, you can use the Default Rates page to review the timekeeper's rates, including:

Timekeeper Task Rates—Rates for a specific task rate. You can edit these rates from the timekeeper's Contact record, on the Rates page, under the Invoice Task Rates section.

Timekeeper Default Rates—Rates used when a specific task rate is not found. You can edit these rates from the timekeeper's Contact record, on the Rates page, under the Default Rates section.

Vendor Rates—Rates the timekeeper inherits from his or her vendor. You can edit these rates on the Rates page of a vendor's record.

Default Rates—Rates inherited by the timekeeper from the CSM Settings, Default Rates. You can edit these rates from the Default Rates page of the CSM Settings.

For more information, see Getting Started, Setting Default Rates, and Setting Vendor Rates.

Timekeeper Record - Default Rates Page

Timekeeper Record - Default Rates Page