The CSM Settings level Default Rates page is used for establishing global timekeeper rates and for viewing global expense unit prices. Rates set here will be used as default rates for invoice validation (for a certain timekeeper and/or certain time period), unless vendor-level or timekeeper-level rates are available.
Depending on your organization's preferences, choose whether Timekeeper rates will be applied Per Task Code or Per Timekeeper Category:
•If your selection is Per Task Code, then you can select from a drop-down list of available invoice line item Task Categories under the Description column. These task codes are defined in the Invoice Line Items Object Definition.
•If your selection is Per Timekeeper Category, then you can select from a drop-down list of authorized timekeeper classification categories under the Description column. The categories shown are the same categories that you authorized from the General page.

Default Rates Page
1.From CSM Settings, click the Default Rates link from the left pane. The Default Rates page opens. 2.From the Timekeeper Rates section, Apply Timekeeper Rates field, select one of the following: oPer Timekeeper Category—Allows you to set rates per Timekeeper category. oPer Task Code (selected by default)—Allows you to set rates per line item Task category. 3.For each rate to set from the Timekeeper Rates section, do the following: a.Select the Timekeeper Category or Task Code from the Description drop-down list. b.Type the Rate. c.In the From and To date fields, you can specify a date range for when these task rates will be valid. If specified, validation would default to this rate only within the specified time period. You can leave the From and To date fields empty if the rate should apply indefinitely.
4.Click a save option. Note: Expense Unit Prices are set from the TeamConnect Designer area Invoice Line Item object definition. From the Expense Categories tab, add or edit unit price values.