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From the Timekeepers page for a vendor account, you can use the Timekeeper Authorization Wizard or change the default Timekeeper contact records for your Timekeepers. For more information, see Changing Default Timekeeper Contacts.

From the Timekeeper Authorization Wizard, you can do the following:

Authorize new Collaborati Timekeepers or previously unauthorized Timekeepers

Reject new, pending Collaborati Timekeepers. Afterward these Timekeepers will be unauthorized for e-billing invoices. Rejected timekeepers will not display in the new Timekeepers list (to be authorized) which will keep the list shorter and more relevant.

Note: You do not need to configure this setting if you have selected the Automatically create new contact records with Collaborati timekeeper information check box from the CSM Settings General page.


As discussed in Setup Overview, you cannot authorize timekeepers until vendors complete their setup requirements in Collaborati--including defining or uploading a list of timekeepers that are assigned to do work on behalf of your legal department. Once a vendor has completed Collaborati setup, you will be notified and you can then map timekeepers or confirm the automated timekeeper mapping from CSM Settings in the vendor's record.

The Timekeeper Authorization Wizard Step 1 of 3 page lists all of your vendor's timekeepers that have been added to Collaborati but have not been mapped to their corresponding TeamConnect contact card.

Mistakes may not be easy to identify after you confirm this mapping, especially if you selected the option to Automatically update contact records with latest Collaborati Timekeeper Information on the CSM Settings General page (see Defining Global Billing Code, Vendor, and Timekeeper Settings for details).