1.From CSM Settings, click General from the left pane. Then click Edit. You can update the fields as described below. 2.Under the Code Settings section, Automatically authorize new codes—Indicates whether new TeamConnect global billing codes (Task Codes, Expense Codes, Activity Codes, and Non-US Tax Codes) will be automatically authorized. By default, this check box is selected. To disable automatic authorization, clear the Automatically authorize new codes check box. Afterward, you can manually authorize codes individually from the CSM Settings Task Codes page, Expense Codes page, Activity Codes page, or Non-US Tax Categories page.
3.Under the Vendor Settings section, set up configuration for all vendors, including: oAutomatically update contact records with latest Collaborati vendor information—Indicates whether a vendor's TeamConnect contact record will be automatically updated with changes in the Collaborati vendor account. By default, this check box is selected. oAutomatically activate vendors after authorization—Indicates whether vendors are activated after authorization in CSM Settings. By default, this check box is selected. To disable automatic vendor activation, clear the Automatically activate vendors after authorization check box. Afterwards, you can manually activate vendors.
4.Under the Timekeepers section, the Timekeeper Category table lists standard Timekeeper classification categories. Each timekeeper in Collaborati will be associated with one of these categories. Review the list of Timekeeper Categories defined by the system. oAuthorize Invoice Charges—For each Timekeeper category, indicates whether timekeeper charges on invoices will be authorized. You can prevent automatic authorization of timekeepers of specific categories by clearing the Authorize Invoice Charges check box for the timekeeper category. The following should apply:
You will not allow any vendors to submit charges for certain timekeeper categories.
oMaintain Contact Records—Indicates whether individual TeamConnect contact records will be maintained for timekeepers of a particular category. By default, individual contact records are maintained for the Partner, Paralegal, and Associate categories only (or this check box is selected for the Partner, Paralegal, and Associate categories). You can indicate that you do not want to create and maintain individual contact records for timekeepers in any classification category by clearing the corresponding Timekeepers are to be maintained in TeamConnect as individual contact records check box.
For example, if you allow charges for timekeepers in the classification "Other timekeeper" (for timekeepers who do not fit under the existing timekeeper classifications), however you do not want to create and maintain a contact card for each of them. In this case, all of the timekeepers in this classification will be automatically mapped to the "Other" timekeeper contact card (per vendor record).
5.Also under the Timekeepers section, set up global configuration for timekeepers, including: oAutomatically create new contact records with Collaborati timekeeper information—Indicates whether new TeamConnect contact records are automatically created for Collaborati Timekeeper accounts. By default, this check box is cleared. oAutomatically update contact records with latest Collaborati timekeeper information—Indicates whether TeamConnect contact records will be automatically updated with the latest Collaborati Timekeeper account information. These apply only to Timekeepers maintained as individual contacts. If you choose not to maintain some timekeeper categories as individual contacts, TeamConnect will use the default contact listed in the vendor contact card, which will not be updated with name or other information changes.
oTimekeeper IDs are saved in contact records under—Use this field only if the Automatically create new contact records with Collaborati timekeeper information check box is selected. The selected drop-down list option indicates which contact field (Employee ID, State Driver's License, or Social Security Number) maps to the Collaborati Timekeeper ID field. If this check box is selected, the existing Collaborati Timekeeper ID value will auto-populate the selected contact record field. oIgnore Timekeepers on Invoice Expense Line Items—Indicates whether vendors will be able to associate timekeepers with invoice expense line items. By default, this check box is cleared, meaning Timekeepers can be associated with invoice expense line items. If the check box is selected, any timekeeper information that vendors may associate with invoice expense line items won't be passed to TeamConnect, resulting in timekeeper information being empty in expense line items in invoices that come from Collaborati.
6.Under the Appeals Invoicing section, Allow appeals invoicing—Indicates whether vendors are allowed to appeal invoices. By default, this check-box is not selected. When this check-box is selected, Appeals Invoices will be enabled for all vendors. Appeals Invoices can be disabled on a per-vendor basis in the vendor record. 7.Click Save. |