Vendor records contain general information about the vendor, such as contact information, company Tax ID, and vendor status.

CSM Vendor - General Page
Modifying a Vendor Contact
Use the Contact field to change the name of the contact associated with this vendor. Use the Appeals Invoicing check-box to enable or disable Appeals Invoices on a per-vendor basis.
1.If necessary, click the CSM tab. 2.In the left pane, click the General link. The vendor's General page opens.
3.Click Edit. 4.In the Contact field, search for and select a new contact. 5.Select the Appeals Invoicing check-box to enable Appeals Invoicing for the vendor. Deselect the Appeals Invoicing check-box to disable Appeals Invoicing for the vendor. 6.Select a save option. Once your vendors are selected, they must be activated before submitting invoices to your company.