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After you configure CSM Settings, you can start or stop synchronization between CSM and Collaborati in the following locations:

CSM Settings, Connection Page

Edit mode for CSM Settings, Vendors, Timekeepers, and Budget Requests

See Editing CSM Settings, Editing Timekeeper Contact Information, and Managing Budget Settings.

Authorization wizards for Vendors or Timekeepers

See Authorizing or Unauthorizing Timekeepers and Authorizing Vendors.

The Status field provides the current synchronization status as follows:

Important: Updated status information may not appear automatically. Please refresh your browser to ensure that you are seeing the most current status.

Running—CSM is actively synchronizing with Collaborati.

Stopped—Synchronization is stopped.

Stopping—The Stop button is clicked and synchronization continues to run in the background until the current item is done. The status changes to Stopped when the synchronization is done.

Waiting For Next Sync—The current synchronization action is complete and waiting for the next scheduled execution.

Waiting to Retry Sync—The scheduled synchronization action failed and is waiting for the next scheduled action synchronization to try to re-establish the connection with Collaborati and synchronize.

Additionally, the Synchronization Settings section displays the date and time of the last successfully completed synchronization.

Your technical administrator can review the TeamConnect System Log history for errors by clicking the Connection Log link under the Synchronization Settings section. The Connection Log contents refer to the Collaborati Appender link content from the Admin tab > Logging link (under the tab bar) > System link (from the left pane) > System Appenders section.

If the Connection log does not display, you may need to set the System Logger Rule Logger level to Debug. For more information, click the Help button from the System Loggers page.