1.Click the Vendors link from the left pane. 2.Click New Vendor Authorization Wizard. Note: Based on the current status of the CSM-Collaborati synchronization, a warning message may appear to remind you that you must wait until synchronization is stopped before using the New Vendor Authorization Wizard. Click the Stop synchronization now link on the warning message to stop synchronization. While synchronization is stopping, all fields in the wizard are unavailable. When synchronization is stopped, all fields become available and you can continue.
The New Vendor Authorization wizard opens and displays all of your vendors that have been added to Collaborati but have not yet been mapped to their corresponding contacts in TeamConnect.
If you have many vendors and want to segment your workload by authorizing them in sub-sets, use Show Search to expand the search fields on the screen. Using the search fields, enter information about the vendor or set of vendors you want to authorize and click View. The application displays vendors matching your criteria.
3.Select the check box next to the vendors you wish to authorize, or click Check All to select all the vendors displayed on the screen. 4.Suggested contact cards for each vendor are displayed in the Contact column. These contacts are automatically selected based on the vendor's taxpayer ID, postal code, city, vendor name, address, and phone number. If more than one TeamConnect contact card matches the vendor from Collaborati, the Other matches exist message is displayed on the right. The screen might list incorrect vendor contacts, so you must carefully review each mapping suggestion before clicking Next. For example, contact records with incomplete information, or several contact cards for a law firm with similar names can result in incorrect mapping.
If you would like to override a suggested vendor contact, use the contact search module to find another contact:
a.Click the search button displayed next to the Contact field. b.Enter search criteria to find the correct vendor contact. c.Once you locate the correct contact record, click OK. 5.After you have mapped all desired vendors to contacts, click the Next button in the top-right corner of the screen. The results of the Vendor-to-Contact mapping are displayed. 6.For each mapped vendor, verify the vendor name with the matching Contact name and address. Incorrect mappings may not be easy to identify after you confirm this mapping, especially if you selected the option to Automatically update contact records with latest Collaborati Vendor Information on the General page from the CSM Settings screen (see Defining Global Billing Code, Vendor, and Timekeeper Settings for details).
7.Click Finish to signify that vendor authorization and mapping are complete. The new Collaborati vendor is authorized and the mapping is saved. |