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From the Vendors page, you can use the New Vendor Authorization wizard to authorize multiple vendors (map Collaborati vendors to the corresponding contact records in TeamConnect). Afterward, the Vendors page will display a list of authorized vendors.

Before you can use the New Vendor Authorization wizard, the vendors you plan to authorize should already have been added in Collaborati.

From the New Vendor Authorization wizard, verify the following:

The vendor names should display under the Vendors from Collaborati column from the Vendor Contact Mapping table. If you do not see expected vendor names, you may need to contact Mitratech Support to verify that the vendor has been added to Collaborati.

On the first page of the New Vendor Authorization wizard, CSM will automatically suggest a contact record match (under the Contact column) for each vendor from Collaborati (under the Vendors from Collaborati column). Check that the correct contact has been selected.

New Vendor Authorization Wizard

New Vendor Authorization Wizard