From CSM Settings, you can view an authorized timekeeper's information and edit the contact information if the synchronization status is Stopped.
Note: If you edit or delete the contact name, you remove the current connection between the records for the same timekeeper in TeamConnect and Collaborati.
1.From CSM Settings, click the Vendors link from the left pane. 2.Click an existing vendor's Company Name link from the resulting table. The vendor record opens.
3.Click the Timekeepers link from the left pane. Note: Based on the current status of the CSM-Collaborati synchronization, a warning message may appear to remind you that you must wait until synchronization is stopped before making any changes. Click the Stop synchronization now link on the warning message to stop synchronization without leaving edit mode. When synchronization stops, you can continue.
4.Click an existing timekeeper's Name link from the top table. The timekeeper record's General page opens.
5.Click the Edit button. 6.Edit the Contact field. 7.Click a save option. |