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This section describes commonalities among rights to view and work with system record types (records that are provided standard with TeamConnect).

From a group's System Rights page, if you select a record type from the View drop-down list, the page will be updated with a list of rights for that record type.



Each record type's rights can be broken down into two groups:

Basic rights—Include the minimal rights required to view or work with a group of records. These rights include:

oView records—Allows searching, viewing, and printing records.

Allows access to the list page for a record type, advanced search page for a record type. Allows access to General and Workflow pages for contact records.

For example, if you assign the View Contact Records right to a group, group members can view the Contact List page, Advanced Contact Search page. In addition, group members can open contact records and view the records' General and Workflow pages. For example, see Example for Assigning Rights to View Contacts.

oEdit records—Allows editing, searching, viewing, and printing records.

Allows access to the list page for a record type, advanced search page for a record type. Allows access to General and Workflow pages for expense records. For example, see Example for Assigning Rights to Edit Contacts.

oCreate records—Allows creating and printing records.

Allows access to the list page for a record type, advanced search page for a record type. Allows access to General and Workflow pages for expense records. For example, see Example for Assigning Rights to Create Contacts.

oDelete records—Allows deleting, searching, viewing, and printing records.

Allows access to the list page for a record type, advanced search page for a record type. Allows access to General and Workflow pages for expense records. For example, see Example for Assigning Rights to Delete Contacts.

For Edit, Create, and Delete record rights, a group must also have View record rights. The corresponding ability to search, view, and print records results.

Additional rights—Allow access to view or work with additional pages that belong to the record type, for example, the Security page. These rights typically vary per record type. In addition, these rights require that the View records and/or Edit records rights for the record type have also been assigned.

For example, if the Expense Post right is assigned to a group, group members can post expenses. This right applies to certain record types but not all.

Note: There may be exceptions for each record type's rights to General pages or other page. Refer to the appendix, Rights for End-users, for details.

Records Linked From Other Records

Certain records, such as Documents and Histories, appear as pages that belong globally to other records. For example, if a group has rights to work with Documents, then from any system object record (Contact, Expense, Account, Appointment, etc.), a group member will see a page link for Documents associated with that record.

Certain records appear as pages that belong to specific other records. For example, the following list displays records that appear as page links for other records:

Document—If rights are assigned for Document records, a Documents page link will be available from all system object records.

History—If rights are assigned for History records, a History page link will be available from all system object records.

Account—If rights are assigned for Account records, an Accounts page link will be available from Project (custom object) records.

Expense—If rights are assigned for Expense records, an Expenses page link will be available from Project (custom object) records.

Task—If rights are assigned for Task records, a Tasks page link will be available from Project (custom object) records.

Attendee—If rights are assigned for User, Groups, or Contact records, an Attendees page link will be available from Appointment records.

Appointment—If rights are assigned for Appointment records, an Appointments page link will be available from Project (custom object) records.

Tips and Warnings

Administrator rights, such as rights to view or work with User Accounts, are assigned at the record type level but do not have associated categories and custom fields.

Assigning rights to the Documents record type affects user access to the Documents sub-page of all records. Also note that assigning the Create Document records right (to upload documents to a record) requires assigning the View Document records right. For additional information on operations that are available with the Create Document records right, see Document Rights.

If rights are assigned for a group, including Create and Edit record rights, it is likely that Create, Edit, and Delete rights to sub-pages and sections that are part of that record type will also be assigned.

Certain records, such as invoices, tasks, and expenses, require additional operations such as:



oAssign Task

You can also set rights for individual records.