When assigning rights to a group of solution developers, you will typically assign rights to view or work with TeamConnect features or areas:
•Administer Custom Tools—Allows management of custom tools.
•Global Navigation—Allows customization of the global navigation toolbar and links that display under the toolbar.
•Home Pages—Allows management and customization of home pages in TeamConnect after logging in.
•Lookup Tables—Allows management and customization of system lookup tables, custom lookup tables, and multi-currency lookup tables in TeamConnect.
•Miscellaneous Settings—Allows management of custom fields that should be considered part of a user's system preferences. Custom fields added to the Designer application, Miscellaneous Settings page correspond to fields that display on a user's Preferences area, Other Settings page. Also includes rights to override record edit locks and to override system search results limits.
•Object Definitions—Allows management of system and custom object definitions (record types).
•Portal Panes—Allows management and customization of applets that are available for user home pages. Portal Panes can be information-driven, for example, containing TeamConnect search views or RSS feeds. In addition, Portal Panes can be functionality-driven, for example, containing links to frequently used areas, such as workflow approval or record creation wizards.
•Routes—Allows management and customization of the part of a workflow approval rule where approvers, reviewers, process managers, and email notifications are defined.
•System Settings—From the Designer application, these are TeamConnect system settings that apply to all users, including Rule Execution, Default Object Views, Authentication Plug-In (default and custom plug-ins), and Clear Cache Properties. These rights also allow access to manage system appenders and audit appenders.
If you assign any of the following rights to a group (from a group record's System Rights page), its members will be able to access the Designer area of TeamConnect by clicking a Setup link from the upper right corner of TeamConnect:
•Any rights resulting from the Setup Rights view.
•Any rights resulting from the Administer Custom Tools view.
•Any rights resulting from the Global Navigation view.
•Any rights resulting from the Home Pages view.
•Any rights resulting from the Lookup Tables view.
•Any rights resulting from the Custom Lookup Tables view.
•Any rights resulting from the Multi-Currency view.
•Any rights resulting from the Miscellaneous Settings view.
•Any rights resulting from the Object Definitions view.
•Any rights resulting from the Portal Panes view.
•Any rights resulting from the Routes view.
•Any rights resulting from the Global Navigation view.
•Any rights resulting from the System Settings view (under the Setup rights list).
A second browser window will open with the Designer area of the application. The initial browser for the User area of the application will remain open.
Home Page with Setup Link to Designer Application Area
Rights related to Solution Developers are described in the appendix, Rights for Solution Developers.
•If a user is a member of multiple groups, the rights that the user inherits are cumulative. The user inherits all rights assigned to all groups.
•Categories only apply to rights for record types that end-users work with, but not to rights for administrators. For example, when assigning rights to work with user records, you do not need to assign rights to associated categories.
•There are additional rights dependencies that may result in users not able to view expected data. Such data may display as "SECURED". See each record type's rights in the appendix, Rights for End-users, for more information.
oFor example, if you do not give the user or group at least the Read right to Contact, the user or group is unable to add or see appointment attendees, vendors in invoices, contacts associated with tasks and expenses, task and project assignees, and so on, even if the group or user has all the appropriate rights to Appointment, Task, Invoice, and project records.
oSimilarly, if you do not give at least the Read right to a custom object, the user or group is unable to see or select the records of this custom object as parents in other custom object records, as posting criteria in accounts, or see custom fields of type Custom Object with this object, and so on.
•Pre-population rules do not check the current user's rights when they trigger the creation or update of object records. For example, a user without rights to create an account could create a project and automatically trigger a pre-population rule that creates an associated account. You should test and review your templates and pre-population rules to make sure that they comply with your organization's security policies.