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As an approver for certain processes defined in TeamConnect, you are responsible for approving or rejecting requests from other users to complete certain operations. For example, you may be an approver for invoice, task, or expense posting, or deletion of records.

Depending on how the approval rule is defined, you may be able to edit the record while it is pending approval. If the stop requires only one approver, you become the only approver for the stop for this request. You cannot edit the request if all members of the stop must approve.

If you and the other approvers at the current stop do not make a decision before the expiration date of the request, the request will be automatically approved, rejected, or sent to the Process Manager, depending on the settings made on the administrative side of TeamConnect.

The My Approvals page provides you with a central location where you can manage your tasks as an approver for approval processes.

You can access the My Approvals page in one of the following ways:

Click one of the hyperlinks in the My Pending Approvals portal pane on your home page.

Select Approvals from the All drop-down list on the Main menu, which opens the Requests to Approve page.


You can approve or reject requests routed to you for authorization in the following ways:

From the My Approvals page.

From the record for which the request has been made.

From an email about the request if your system allows approval through email.

The following events occur after you approve and reject a request.

What Happens after You Approve or Reject

Approver's Action

On the My Approvals pages

On the Workflow page of the record

To the event that created the request

To people who receive notifications


TeamConnect removes the request from your Requests to Approve list.

If the approval stop requires only one approval, TeamConnect also removes the request from other approvers in the same stop and sends requests to approvers in the next stop.

Your approval displays in the Approval History of the record with your internal comments. Other approvers, reviewers, the Process Manager, and the requestor can view the Approval History in the Approval Requests section of the record.

If the request requires no other approvers.

The requested action (such as invoice posting) takes place.

The requestor is notified by email (if email notifications are set up accordingly).

Depending on the route settings, other users may also receive notification emails.


TeamConnect removes the request from approvers in the same stop.

Your rejection displays in the Approval History of the record with your internal comments. Other approvers, reviewers, the Process Manager, and the requestor can view the Approval History in the Approval Requests section of the record.

The comments that you wrote for the requestor displays in the Comments to Requestor field under the Approval Requests section of the record.

If you rejected the posting of an invoice, your Reason for Rejection and Comments to Requestor display in the invoice's Comments to Vendor field

The requested action (such as posting an invoice) does not take place.

Depending on your system settings, the request is sent to the Process Manager, the requestor, or approvers in the first stop of the approval route.

For details about setting your email notifications to receive emails about your requests for approval, see Setting Up Email Notifications.