Navigation: TeamConnect User Interface > Enterprise User Help > Workflow Processes > Approving, Rejecting, and Reviewing Requests > Approving or Rejecting a Request Approving or Rejecting from My Approvals |
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The My Approvals page allows you to approve or reject multiple requests at once without opening each request individually. If necessary, you can also approve or rejecting requests within individual records.
1.Open the My Approvals page from the link in the My Approvals portal pane or by selecting Approvals from the All drop-down list on the Main menu. The Requests to Approve page displays with a list of requests. If necessary, select the Record drop-down and click Search to display only certain record types. 2.Click the Approve button in the Action column of the request(s) you want to approve. If batch approval is enabled for your system, you can click Approve below the table to approve all the selected requests. 3.The Confirm Approval popup appears. Enter the reason for approving the request(s) in the Internal Comment field. You can enter up to 2000 characters, including spaces. 4.Click Confirm Approval. Several things occur after you approve a request, as described in the What Happens after You Approve or Reject table. |
1.Go to the My Approvals page using the link in the My Approvals portal pane on your home page or by selecting Approvals from the All drop-down list on the Main menu. The Requests to Approve page displays with a list of requests. If necessary, select the Record drop-down and click Search to display only certain record types. 2.Click the Reject button in the Action column of the request(s) you want to approve. If batch approval is enabled for your system, you can click the Reject Selected button below the table to reject all the selected requests. The Rejection Confirmation window displays. Depending on whether this is the final rejection of the request and whether the request is for an invoice record, you may see up to three fields: the Internal Comment field, a Rejection Reason drop-down list, and a Comments to Requestor field.
3.Enter the reason for rejecting the request(s) in the Internal Comment field. These comments display in the Approval History. 4.If the Rejection Reason field displays, select a rejection reason. 5.If the Comments to Requestor field displays, enter comments. You can enter up to 2000 characters, including spaces. 6.Click Confirm Rejection. Several things occur after you reject a request, as described in the What Happens after You Approve or Reject table. |