The Expense Entry Tool provides a convenient way to create multiple expenses from one TeamConnect page. The Expense Entry Tool page has the standard functionality of a screen. See Working with the Expense Entry Tool for more information.
1.Open the Expense Entry Tool in one of the following locations: oClick the Tools Icon in the top right corner of the screen. Click Expense Entry Tool.
The Expense Entry Tool opens.
2.For each expense, enter the appropriate information. See Expense Entry Tool Field Definitions for more information. 3.Click Add. 4.(optional) To post expenses, select the check-box to the left of the expense(s), and then click post. |
Expense Entry Tool Field Descriptions
Some field descriptions that follow may not display based on system settings and your assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
The expense type (category), such as transportation, meals, or calls.
The contact who is charging for the expense item, for example, a vendor.
The Find icon allows searching and selecting the contact who is charging you for the expense item.
This value may be validated again an associated account's Contact posting criterion.
The expense description.
Tip: To facilitate the searching process for the record, try to make the description unique and descriptive.
Expense List
The list of entered expenses.
Check-boxes on the left of expense items allow selecting expenses for editing, deleting or posting.
*Expensed By
The user who is responsible for the expenditure. By default, it displays the creator's name.
Note: Depending on how your version of TeamConnect is configured, this field may be a drop-down list or a Search Module. For more information, see Using Search Modules.
*Expense Date
The date when the expense was incurred or the date the record was created.
The Calendar icon allows selecting the desired date for the expense.
When creating an expense, the default value is the current date (when creating an expense).
This button posts the selected expenses to associated accounts. See Posting an Expense for details.
Note: To void a posted expense, you must open the expense record and void on the General page. See Voiding Expenses.
Tip: Click the corresponding expense link in the displayed list to open its General page.
Posting Status
The posting status for an expense can be one of the following, depending on whether you clicked the Post button or not:
•Not Posted •Posted |
The project associated with the expense.
The Find icon allows searching and selecting the appropriate project.
This value may be validated against an associated account's Project posting criterion.
The total quantity of expense items.
This amount is automatically calculated by Team Connect:
Total = Unit Price x Quantity.
Unit Price
The price per unit (item) for expense item.