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Expenses in TeamConnect are the internal costs of doing business at your organization. Typically, expenses include the cost of the merchandise bought and the cost of the services received, for example, office supplies, transportation, phone calls, and meals.

Two types of expenses exist:

Project-specific—Associated with a particular project.

Global—Not associated with projects.

All expenses can post against certain accounts according to the posting criteria you set for each individual account. See Posting an Expense.

The following flowchart illustrates how you can use expenses. Click areas of this flowchart for more information.


Expense Entry Tool

You can also add multiple expenses at the same time. The Expense Entry Tool allows you to enter and post multiple expenses into the system, all from one screen. TeamConnect creates the corresponding individual records automatically for each expense. See Working with the Expense Entry Tool.

Expense Record Pages

Two expense-specific pages exist:

The General page lets you enter information about the expense, such as a Description, Date, Contact who is responsible for an expensed item, Unit Price, and Quantity.

The Transactions page displays a history of the expense's posting and voiding statuses.