Navigation: TeamConnect User Interface > Enterprise User Help > Finance > Accounts > Creating or Editing an Account Creating or Editing an Account Manually |
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Use the account General page to begin manually creating an account record. Once you save the record, you can edit it at any time.
Note: Your company may allow you to create an account using a wizard only, so the option to create an account manually may not be available. See Using a Wizard for more information.
1.Click the Finance tab. 2.Click the Accounts link on the left tab bar. 3.Select one of the following options: oTo create an account, click New. oTo edit an account, click the Edit Record icon 4.From the General page, the following fields in the Account Information section are required: oName—Enter a name for the account. oAccount Period Begins—Click the Calendar icon to select the start date. oAccount Period Ends—Click the Calendar icon to select the end date. Transactions can post to the account only between the Account Period start and end dates. oAllocation Limit—Enter the maximum amount of money that can be allocated (deposited or transferred) to the account. If you do not want an account to have an allocation limit, set the Allocation Limit to zero ($0.00). 5.(optional) To enter information in fields that have been created for your company: oClick the Categories link in the left pane. The Categories page opens. Select the category to add (enable). oClick the General link in the left pane. A section displays below Notes. Enter the appropriate information in the corresponding fields. 6.For additional field descriptions, see Account General Page Field Descriptions. 7.For information about adding categories and details, see Adding or Removing Categories from an Account. 8.For information about setting posting criteria, see Setting Transaction Posting Criteria. 9.For information about adding child accounts, see Viewing or Creating Child Accounts. After saving an account, click Activate to add funds to the account. |
Some field descriptions that follow may not display based on system settings and your assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.