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Accounts can be independent or related through a parent-child relationship. Each parent account can have several child accounts, but each child account can have only one parent account. A child account can also be a parent for other accounts. The following flowchart illustrates the parent-child relationship.


Parent accounts are often set to protect their child accounts when there are insufficient funds in the child accounts to cover transactions. You can set up child accounts with Automatic overdraft protection, enabling automatic withdrawal of funds from its parent account to avoid a negative balance.

Take into consideration the following when working with parent and child accounts:

You cannot deposit funds directly to child accounts.

You can transfer funds from a parent account to a child account, or transfer funds from a child account to a parent account.

If you deactivate a parent account, make sure to change the Overdraft Type of the child accounts' General page.

The parent account must be able to support its child (children), by either having enough funds (Total Allocated), high or unlimited Allocation Limit, or it must be set up to allow for a negative balance (Overdraft Type = Allow negative account).

From a parent account, you can only create new accounts from the Child Accounts page. To add child accounts that are already existing, open the child account and select the desired parent account.