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On the Results Display tab, you choose and arrange the data fields and formulas that appear in the report output.
Note: In the Chart tab, you will have the opportunity to display group statistics (record count, numeric field totals and averages, etc.). Fields used for grouping must also be present in the Results Display.
1.Drag a field from the Fields list to the dotted outline that appears. ![]() Dragging a Field to the Dotted Outline 2.Click the 3.(Optional) Click the Click to edit text next to the Label field to determine the heading for the field in the report's output. If you leave the Label property empty, the default label associated with the field appears. All field labels within a data series must be unique. 4.(Optional) Click the Click to edit text next to the Unique Key field to enter a string used to localize column headings and translate the label to other languages. If you are using the default label, leave this property empty. If you overrode the default label by entering a value into Label, you should enter a Unique Key so that your overridden label can localize. Enter a string that is not used as the Unique Key of any other result fields in this data series. Use only characters A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Maximum length is 50 characters. This property is only editable if it is empty. Once you enter a text value for this field, you cannot change it. For more information about localization, see Localizing Reports. 5.(Optional) Change the Format of numeric and date fields. The Format of most other fields is not editable. Numeric fields include the following format options under Properties: oDecimal Points—Select the number of digits that you would like to appear to the right of the decimal point. oTotal—Select how the summary information for this field calculates the numbers in the column: Sum, Average, or Count.
6.(Optional) Place a check-mark in the Span Columns check-box to make the field appear on a line of its own in the report. When this check-box is not checked, the field occupies a column in the report, with a heading at the top of the column. Span Columns is not available for numeric fields. In a report, spanned fields appear below the non-spanned fields, and each of their values occupy a full row in the report, spanning all columns. If there are multiple spanned fields, the leftmost spanned field in the Results Display tab appears first, followed by the spanned field to its right, and so forth.
1.Drag the Formula field to the dotted outline that appears. 2.Next to the Formula field, click the Edit icon. The Edit Formula pane appears below the Results Display work area with the Properties of the formula visible in the left pane. 3.Drag at least two fields with a numeric data type to the dotted outlines in the Edit Formula pane. To enter a constant value for one of the fields, drag the Constant Value field. You may type up to 11 digits to the left of the decimal point and 6 digits to the right. ![]() Constant Value Under the Formula Field The formula expression displays as text just above the graphical layout of the operands and operators, and the text updates as you work in the graphical layout and properties pane. ![]() Edit Formula Work Area 4.Choose an operator that indicates how the fields relate to each other. From the drop-down list, choose the plus, minus, multiply, or divide symbol as an operator. That operator is applied to all the operands found at that level, and the left-to-right order of operations used in algebra is also used in formulas. For example, if a nested level has operands named Budget, Fee, and Expense, and the operator is a minus sign, the portion of the formula expression would be (Budget - Fee) - Expense. The same principles of nesting that applied to Filter Criteria are used in the Edit Formula work area. Each level of nesting implies a set of parentheses in the final formula expression. See Nested Stacks for more information. 5.Under Properties, enter any additional information as you would for any other numeric field. See To enter results display information for a field for more information. |