You specify data for each data series on the Filter Criteria and Results Display tabs. For both tabs, the Fields list in the left pane lists all fields for the chosen record type.
Fields List
Under the Filter Criteria tab, the Fields list includes all the fields that you can use to filter the data for a report so that only data that meets the filter criteria appears.
Under the Results Display tab, the Fields list includes fields that appear in the results.
Drag a field from the Fields list to the work area under the tabs. Make sure a dotted outline appears for the field to stay.
Delete a field by clicking the icon to the right of its name.
The fields are organized hierarchically within sections.
•System Fields
Standard fields that come with TeamConnect before any customizing is done.
•Custom Fields
Fields the solution developers in your organization add as they customize the TeamConnect design. In some cases, such as Legal Matter Management, custom fields are part of a pre-packaged design that is added to the standard TeamConnect design. Because custom fields are always associated with categories, this section is organized by category. Custom fields from the root category appear first. Expanding a category folder reveals the custom fields that belong to that category.
•Related Fields
Fields that pertain to the record type of the data series but that are not in the actual record type itself. For example, fields from Involved records appear here, as do fields from any child objects or embedded objects that relate to the data series record type. A folder represents each related record type. Expanding that folder reveals the fields that belong to the related record type.
In each folder, you might have the following types of fields:
•Folders—A icon next to a field indicates additional levels of hierarchy. Click this icon to show additional fields at the next deeper level. For example, fields representing users, such as Created by and Modified by fields, include that icon. Click this icon to reveal the Contact fields associated with the user.
Caution: Using fields from the deepest levels (more than three levels) may cause extensive database access that makes the report run slowly. Use good judgment in such cases, and talk to a solution developer if you have concerns that multi-level fields are causing slow report times.
•Parent Project—If the record type for this data series is a child or an embedded object, you see a icon named Parent Project. Expand the
icon to see the fields that pertain to the parent record.
For certain record types, the field has a different name from Parent Project. For example, if the record type is Line Item or Non US Tax, the parent folder is named Line Item Invoice or Invoice (respectively).
•Object Link (Results Display)—Using this field places a highlighted link with the name of the record in the results display at runtime. When clicked, the link opens the view page for the record. An Object Link is available in the field list of every record type.
•Formula (Results Display)—A number field you can edit. When you drag a Formula field into the work area of the Results Display, you can create a formula.