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A data series is a group of data based on filtered criteria and fields you want to appear in the results. A report contains one or more data series. When you have more than one data series, you can combine them if necessary.

The following flowchart illustrates how to create a data series. Click areas of this flowchart for more information. Note: The 'New' Icon has been redesigned for 5.x+ users. This does not affect functionality.


The Data page of the report displays a row for each existing data series, plus a block with parameter information. A parameter is a value for the report that you enter into a prompt when the report runs. When you create a new report, this page is disabled until you specify the properties under the General tab and save. When the report specification is in Edit mode, the Data page allows you to edit and create data series.

You can delete an existing data series or parameter by selecting the check-box next to the row and clicking Remove.

Each row of a data series includes the following fields: