The General page allows you to view or edit general properties of a report specification. It appears by default when a new report specification is started, or when an existing report specification is clicked. You can also return to this page by clicking the General tab in the left pane of the report specification page.
The table below contains the general properties of a report specification. Field descriptions are listed in display order.
(* = required)
*Report Name
Your name for this report specification. Each specification in a report folder must have a unique name within that folder. Maximum length: 250 characters.
Unique Key
This text string is used for localizing reports - translating the report prompts to other languages. If your organization does not do localization, you should leave this field empty. If you plan to do localization, enter a string that is unique (a string that is not found in the Unique Key of any other reports.) Use only characters A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Maximum length is 50 characters.
This field is only editable if it is empty. Once you have supplied a text value to this field, it cannot be changed.
For more information about localization, see Localizing Reports.
Folder Path
Describes where the report is found in the hierarchy of report folders. This is a read-only link. Clicking the link takes you out of the report edit page to the list page of that folder.
Text describing the purpose of this report. Optional. Maximum length: 4000 characters.
When creating a new report, after you save your General values, the Data tab in the left pane is enabled. Click Data to begin creating one or more data series for the report.