1.Search for a project and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Involved/Assignees link. 3.In the Involved Parties section, click New. The involved party record opens to the General page.
4.In the Contact field, click the find icon , and then enter the appropriate search criteria. 5.Click Search. The Contact Search page opens with a list of contacts who match the search criteria that you selected.
Tip: If you cannot locate the appropriate contact, you can create it. Click New, select an option, and then follow the instructions to create a new contact. See Creating a Contact for more information. Once you save the new contact, you are returned to the project record and the new contact name appears in the Contact field.
6.On the Contact Search page, click the name of the appropriate contact. You are returned to the General page and the selected contact name appears in the Contact field.
Complete the additional fields. See Involved General page field descriptions for more information.
7.To activate this involved party, click the Is Active check-box. 8.Select a save option. The new contact is added to the list of involved contacts for the selected project.