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Managing Involved Parties for Projects

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Use the Involved/Assignees page to view, add, and edit the names of people or companies who are involved in a project. Involved parties are participants in a project, but are external to your organization and are not TeamConnect users. Involved parties may have roles such as witness, plaintiff, outside counsel, or opposing party.

Involved parties have a set of additional pages where you can add information. For example, for each involved party, you can set up an account, establish relationships between other involved parties, or manage documents that are related to an involved party. Even though these pages apply to an involved party, the procedures are the same as for any project in TeamConnect.

Involved party records can only be created and viewed from within their related projects.

You can perform the following tasks to manage involved parties for a project:

Adding or Editing Involved Parties

Changing an Involved Party Role

Adding or Editing Involved Party Accounts