Use the Failed Actions page to review errors that occur when the action that triggers a workflow process fails. For example, a prerequisite that prevents an invoice from posting could cause the request to fail and appear on this page after an invoice is approved.
You have two options when an action fails:
•Execute the failed action again without sending the request to more approvers.
•Restart the workflow process from the beginning with the first approver.
1.Resolve the issue that caused the error. 2.You can re-execute the failed action in one of the following ways: oClick the Execute button in the Action column of a request. oSelect the check-box(es) for the approval request(s) that you want to restart and click the Execute Action button. 3.From the Execute Action popup, click Yes.
1.Resolve the issue that caused the error. 2.You can restart the workflow process in one of the following ways: oClick the Restart button in the Action column of a request. oSelect the check-box(es) for the approval request(s) that you want to restart and click the Restart Workflow button. 3.From the Restart Request popup, click Yes.
The name of the record that is part of the request.
The type of the record that is part of the request.
The action that triggers a workflow process. For example, when TeamConnect creates the request after a user posts an invoice, Post appears in this field.
Error Message
A description of the error that causes the request action to fail. For example, the message might be for an error that occurs when TeamConnect tries to post an invoice, as shown in the Failed Actions Page image.
You can click one of the following buttons to complete an action on this page:
•Execute—Click this button to execute the failed action again without sending the request to anymore approvers. •Restart—Click this button to restart the workflow process from the beginning with the first approver. |
Execute Action
The button you click to execute the failed action(s) again for all selected requests.
Restart Workflow
The button you click to restart the workflow process(es) for all selected requests.