1.After an installation fails, open the most recent DMT Import Log file. (See step 8 in To upgrade TeamConnect Legal Matter Management with Upgrade Toolkit for more information.) 2.Scroll to the bottom of the DMT Import Log. The last line(s) of the log file will contain information on the cause of the installation failure. 3.Determine the cause of the installation failure. These will commonly be of one of the following types: a.If you made conflict resolution choices on the two objects referenced in the DMT Import Log error message, you must review the resolution choices and ensure they are not incompatible. This would occur in cases where you select the upgrade action for one object and the client action for its related object. An example of this type of conflict is choosing to reinsert the home page of a group (Upgrade Action), while also choosing to keep the removal of the group (Client Action) associated with the home page.
To resolve this type of conflict, take either the upgrade action for both conflicts, or take the client action for both conflicts.
b.Of the two objects referenced in the DMT Import Log error message, only one or neither appears in the Conflict Report. An example of this type of conflict is when the client has added a reference to an object that the upgrade is attempting to delete. For example, the client has added a rule which uses, as its action document, a custom class that is being deleted as part of the upgrade.
To resolve this type of conflict, create a copy of the object referenced and replace the reference with a reference to the copied object.
c.Of the two objects referenced in the DMT Import Log error message, neither appears in the Conflict Report. An example of this type of conflict is when history fields, which are part of the design, have been deleted by the client, and the upgrade package is inserting a history rule that depends on these fields.
To resolve this type of conflict, manually re-add the objects which the upgrade expects to exist. These objects will need to have unique attributes that match those specified in the unique attribute map in the import log.
d.Invalid data in the instance to be upgraded can also cause installation failures. For example, having two tabs with the same names. These issues will need to be resolved if the import causes the data to be validated. |