The first step in resolving any installation failure is to check the DMT Import Log file for error messages. ![]() DMT Import Log error message for Installation Failure Example #1 The error message in the log states that there is already rule with the unique key RequireMatterwhenMatterTypeSetOnCreate. This means that the TeamConnect Legal Matter Management upgrade design wants to insert a rule with the same unique key, but was unable to due to another rule already existing with that unique key in the system. You’ve now located the object which is causing installation failure. The next step is to check to see if this object was shown as a conflict (if it had been modified or deleted in the client instance contrary to what the Legal upgrade calls for). Look in the Conflict Report for the object. Once you have located the object in the Conflict Report, check the Resolution Type. In this example, the conflict is an Automatic conflict. As such, there is only one resolution – the Upgrade Action resolution – which, in this case, calls for the RequireMatterwhenMatterTypeSetOnCreate rule to be deleted. Before the upgrade could insert the new rule, it had to delete the old rule but was unable to, because of data in the system that is dependent on the existence of the original rule. To resolve this failure, locate the rule in the instance and check for any data that may be shared elsewhere. For example, rule qualifiers can be shared across rules. The client modified out of the box Legal rules to share qualifiers, which can cause installation failure if there are different upgrade resolutions for these rules. Once you have located the shared data on the rule, make a copy of the shared data and change the rule to reference the new copy of the data. This will allow the RequireMatterwhenMatterTypeSetOnCreate rule to be deleted during the next run through Upgrade Toolkit. |
![]() DMT Import Log error message for Installation Failure Example #2 The error message in the log states that the upgrade process was unable to delete a Document because there are eight pages referencing it in the system. This means that the TeamConnect Legal upgrade design wants to delete a rule, but was unable to. This is because the system data that is not being updated or deleted as part of the upgrade process depends on the Document’s existence. The next step is to locate which Document the error message is referring to. For an error such as this, the INFO line message directly above the ERROR line message will contain the object information for which object caused the import failure. In this case, it’s the WzDBudgetASYS.class document. The next step is to check to see if the WzDBudgetASYS.class document appears in the Conflict Report. Since the document was not modified, it does not appear in the Conflict Report. To resolve this error, locate which wizard pages are referencing the document. Create a copy of the document WzDBudgetASYS.class. Once you have created a copy of the document, change the eight wizard pages to reference the copy of WzDBudgetASYS.class, instead of the original. |
![]() DMT Import Log error message for Installation Failure Example #3 The error message in the log states that it was unable to delete a rule because there are five page transition rules referencing the rule in the system. This means that the TeamConnect Legal upgrade design wants to delete a rule, but was unable to. This is because the system data that is not being updated or deleted as part of the upgrade process depends on the rule's existence. The next step is to locate which rule the error message is referring to. For an error such as this, the INFO line message directly above the ERROR line message will contain the object information for which object caused the import failure. In this case, it’s the No Budget & No Outside Counsel rule. The next step is to check to see if the No Budget & No Outside Counsel rule appears in the Conflict Report. Since the rule was not modified, it does not appear in the Conflict Report. To resolve this error, locate which wizard page transitions are referencing the rule. Create a copy of the No Budget & No Outside Counsel rule. Once you have created a copy of the rule, change the five page transition rules to reference the copy of the No Budget & No Outside Counsel rule, instead of the original. |
![]() DMT Import Log error message for Installation Failure Example #4 The error message in the log states that there is missing information for a home page. Since the error message did not say that the upgrade cannot take action on an object, the failure is likely due to either incompatible resolution choices or invalid data in the TeamConnect instance. To differentiate between these two types of failures, you must look at the Conflict Report. Find a Selection conflict for the Home Page object type, then find a Selection conflict for a Group that the Home Page depends on. Verify which actions you took (Upgrade Action or Client Action) on the Conflict Resolution Screen for these two Selection conflicts. In this example, the failure was caused by selecting the Upgrade Action (Reinsert) for the Home Page object, and the Client Action (Keep removal) for the Group object. When dependencies exist between two Selection conflicts, you must either choose to take the Upgrade Action for both conflicts, or the Client Action for both conflicts. On the next run through Upgrade Toolkit, change one of your Selection choices on the Conflict Resolution Screen. |