In this example, the client has inserted a Custom Lookup Table with the same Unique Code ('POTY') of a Custom Lookup Table that is being inserted as part of the TeamConnect Legal Matter Management upgrade process. In the client instance, there exists a custom field, 'Category', in the Dispute object definition, that is using the POTY Custom Lookup table. In the database, the Category custom field references that lookup table through its unique code, POTY. This dependent data cannot exist without the presence of the Custom Lookup Table, yet if the Custom Lookup Table remains, the upgrade process will not be able to insert the new table. There are two different methods to resolve this conflict. You do not need to perform both resolutions, just one or the other. How to resolve this conflict in TeamConnect: 1.As a user with setup rights, log in to the TeamConnect instance and open TeamConnect Setup. 2.Navigate to Lookup Tables > Custom. 3.Create a new Custom Lookup Table to take the place of the POTY table. This new table MUST have a unique code other than POTY. 4.After the new Custom Lookup Table is created, navigate to Dispute > Custom Fields. 5.Locate the Category custom field. 6.Edit the dependent data (the Category custom field) so that it references the newly created Custom Lookup Table (step 3). How to resolve this conflict in the TeamConnect database: 1.In the TeamConnect database, locate the table that contains the conflict object (in this example, the Custom Lookup Table POTY). 2.Locate the line for the Custom Lookup Table POTY, then locate the cell that contains the unique code (POTY). 3.Directly in the table, alter the POTY cell and change the value to another unique four-character code. Commit the change. oMake sure to not alter the primary key value. |
In this example, the client has inserted a Currency Code with the same Unique Code ('NOK') of a Currency Code that is being inserted as part of the TeamConnect Legal Matter Management upgrade process. In the client instance, there exists an invoice, 'Invoice-0001', that references the NOK Currency Code. In the database, the Invoice-0001 invoice record references the Currency Code through its unique code, NOK. This dependent data cannot exist without the presence of the Currency Code, yet if the Currency Code remains, the upgrade process will not be able to insert the new Currency Code. There are two different methods to resolve this conflict. You do not need to perform both resolutions, just one or the other. How to resolve this conflict in TeamConnect: 1.Log in to the TeamConnect instance and locate invoice record Invoice-0001. 2.Edit Invoice-0001 so that it does not reference the affected Currency Code NOK. 3.Save the Invoice-0001 record. 4.As a user with setup rights, log in to the TeamConnect instance and open TeamConnect Setup. 5.Navigate to Lookup Tables > Multi-currency. 6.Create a new Currency Code with a unique three-character code that is not 'NOK'. 7.Set the Exchange Rate value of the new Currency Code to the Exchange Rate value of the NOK Currency Code. 8.Save the new Currency Code. 9.Delete the NOK Currency Code. 10.Close TeamConnect Setup. 11.In the TeamConnect instance, locate the invoice record Invoice-0001. 12.Edit Invoice-0001 so that it references the newly created Currency Code. How to resolve this conflict in the TeamConnect database: 1.In the TeamConnect database, locate the table that contains the conflict object (in this example, the Currency Code NOK). 2.Locate the line for the Currency Code NOK, then locate the cell that contains the unique code (NOK). 3.Directly in the table, alter the NOK cell and change the value to another unique three-character code. Commit the change. oMake sure to not alter the primary key value. |