The following section describes the general process for upgrading TeamConnect Legal Matter Management using Upgrade Toolkit.
Important: All custom class files and custom screens need to be checked in before upgrading.
1.Launch the TeamConnect Legal Upgrade Toolkit upgrade.exe file, downloaded from the About page in TeamConnect Enterprise. See To launch Upgrade Toolkit. 2.On the Connect to Database - Introduction screen, perform the following actions: a.Select your TeamConnect instance's Database type between Oracle or SQL Server. b.Click Choose... to locate the appropriate JDBC driver file for your instance's Database type. ▪If you do not have a JDBC driver file, please visit the Oracle website or the Microsoft SQL Server website to download one. c.Click Next. 3.On the Connect to Database - Oracle/SQL Server screen, enter the following database information, then click Next: oUsername: Your TeamConnect database's username. oPassword: Your TeamConnect database's password. oDatabase Name: Your TeamConnect database's name (this field is only required for SQL Server databases). oDatabase Server: Your TeamConnect database's server address. ▪For Oracle databases, this address should contain the hostname, port number, and SID of your database, separated by colons. ▪For SQL databases, this address should contain the hostname and port number, separated by colons. 4.The Conflict Checking - Version Information screen displays the version information of your TeamConnect Enterprise and TeamConnect Legal installations. Click Next. oIf your TeamConnect product versions are not supported by Upgrade Toolkit, you will be unable to proceed with the upgrade. See System Requirements in the Upgrade Toolkit Release Notes for a list of supported versions. 5.The Conflict Checking - Summary screen displays the discovered conflicts between your TeamConnect instance and the upgrade version. Click the Export button to save a detailed conflict report that contains further information on your conflicts, including instructions for how to resolve manual conflicts. See Upgrade Conflicts for more information on all types of conflicts, and Conflict Reports for more information on the exported file. oIf you have any 'Manual' conflicts, you must resolve them outside of Upgrade Toolkit before you can proceed. You must restart Upgrade Toolkit after resolving these types of conflicts. oIf you have only 'Automatic' conflicts or no conflicts of any type, clicking Next will take you to the Ready for Install screen. oIf you have any 'Selection' conflicts, clicking Next will take you to the Conflict Resolution screen. 6.On the Conflict Resolution screen, make your selections from the available choices, then click Next. oThe upgrade choices are located on the left side and are selected by default. Choices that retain the client changes are located on the right. See Upgrade Conflicts for more information on conflict selection. oIf you have previously made conflict resolution selections and proceeded to the next screen, your selections will be restored when you return to this screen. 7.On the Ready for Install screen, click Install to initiate the installation. 8.If the installation succeeded, you will see the Install Complete screen. Click Open Log to view the DMT Import Log, a record of the changes made during the installation. Click Done to exit Upgrade Toolkit. oIf the installation failed, you will instead see the Install Failed screen. Click Open Log to view the DMT Import Log, which includes a record of the errors that caused the installation to fail. Click Done to exit Upgrade Toolkit. See Installation Failures for more information. 9.After a successful installation, it is strongly recommended that you perform a full regression test on the upgraded instance to ensure that all features are functioning properly without issue. |