There are three different types of log files that are generated when using Upgrade Toolkit. These log files contain detailed information on conflicts between your instance and the upgrade version, records of successes or failures during the import process, and more. Refer to these log files to help resolve manual conflicts and installation failures.
All log files are located in the TeamConnect folder of the Documents folder of your computer (for example, C:\Users\username\Documents\TeamConnect\Legal Matter Management 4.0).
•The Conflict Checking Log is generated after the conflict checking process occurs. Specifically, it is generated when you are taken to the Conflict Checking - Summary screen in Upgrade Toolkit. It contains detailed information about the conflict checking process, and has a file name in the following format: dmt - conflict checking_12_31_2014_15_10_55.log.
•The DMT Import Log is generated after installation completes, whether successfully or unsuccessfully. Specifically, it is generated when you are taken to either the Install Complete or Install Failed screen in Upgrade Toolkit. You can open this file directly from either of the two screens by clicking the Open Log button. It contains detailed information about the import process, and has a file name in the following format: dmt - import_12_31_2014_15_19_54.log.
•The Install Log is generated after exiting Upgrade Toolkit. Specifically, it is generated after clicking the Done button on the Install Complete or Install Failed screens. It contains diagnostic information about the client machine's Java version, installation directories, and the upgrade process, and has a file name in the following format: TeamConnect_Legal_Matter_Management_Install_12_31_2014_15_35_12.log.