As a TeamConnect Administrator, you can create design migration changes by importing a package not only made to the target environment, but also logged with Data Migration Tools. This ability aids in pinpointing changes that have already been imported, and identifying changes that still need to be made. Additionally, you can create an audit trail for changes that are being made to an environment where they potentially should not be. The import operation runs on foreground processing, as opposed to background processing, so the transaction can run reliably and unattended.
Accessing the Import Design Changes page:
From your TeamConnect homepage, click the Tools button in the upper right corner of TeamConnect. Select Import Design Changes.
At the top of the Import Design Changes page, select Browse to import your package. Once you have selected the appropriate file from your computer, click Open, then click Upload.
Your imported package appears in the Import Details table. If any notes were made in the Export Design Changes page, they appear in the Notes column. Note: Uploading an incompatible file does not display results in the table.
Top of Import Design Screen
Export your list of uploaded changes to Excel by selecting the icon in the top right section of the Import Details table, or click the Export to CSV button below the table.
Choose to open or save the file by selecting the corresponding button in the download bar that appears at the bottom of your screen, or click Cancel to exit.
A .CSV file is downloaded through your browser containing all of the data shown in the Import Details table (i.e. design change ID, date, time, changed by, description, notes, and status), and also includes any other fields that are included in the XML of the change record, but are not displayed in the on-screen table.
Export to Excel Icon
Once the data is generated into the Import Details table, click the checkboxes of the changes to be applied, then click Apply. All applied changes appear in the Imported Change History table at the bottom of the page.
Important Note: You cannot stop the import unless an error occurs. If you log out of TeamConnect, the import will continue to change the environment, but will go no further if an error is encountered.
Upon clicking Apply, choose to skip previously imported changes or errors encountered by clicking the "Yes" radio button in the Options pop-up window. Previously imported packages are already identified in the Status column after file upload. If you choose not to skip errors, you still have the option to skip all errors after the first error is generated during importation. The reason for having multiple options to skip errors is helpful if the imported package has a long list of changes and the first error may not be identified for a while.
Import Options
Previously imported packages are skipped without stopping the import process as an error might. In order to eliminate duplicate packages, any package that has already been imported displays the information in the second Status column (see example below).
Error notices help you identify a solution for the issue, and TeamConnect provides warnings for the following cases:
•A change has already been imported (duplicate ID and data).
•There is an ID gap between the last imported change and the first change of the uploaded package (this may have occurred when selecting design changes to add to the Export List).
•Any of the uploaded design changes were done on a TeamConnect version that is later than the current instance—Note: TeamConnect allows the import of design changes that were done on an older TeamConnect version. The error serves as notice in case this was done unintentionally.
Import Error Options
At this point, you have several options:
•Stop Import: Cancel design import and start over.
•Retry Change: Reattempt the import if you have made the necessary changes.
•Skip Change: If the Import Details table has more than one item within the package, you can select this option to skip the first error to test the remaining items one-by-one. Selecting Skip Change does not import failed changes.
•Skip All Errors: If the Import Details table has more than one item within the package, you can select this option to test all items simultaneously. Selecting Skip All Errors does not import a failed change.