As a TeamConnect administrator, you can select appropriate changes that were made in TeamConnect Setup or Admin Settings to be imported to your next environment. This provides the flexibility to migrate designs in parts depending on the demands of your project, as well as allow for precise scrutiny over the changes to be made.
Accessing the Export Design Changes page:
From your TeamConnect homepage, click or hover your mouse pointer over the All tab. Select Export Design Changes, located under the Tools section.
The data found in the top Design Changes table records changes made in TeamConnect Setup (ex: removing, changing, or adding look-up tables). Changes are listed by the date and time the change was made (starting with the most recent), who made the change, change ID number, description of the change, the category (Type) of change, and any notes appended. Each design change is associated with a design category, shown in the Change Type column (e.g. Audit Appender, Custom Tool, Global Navigation, Group Account, etc).
If a change has previously been exported, the file name of that package appears in the Recent Export Package column. Identifying previously exported packages streamlines the process of making corrections or additions to a group of changes, and focuses attention to packages that have not yet been exported.
If a change has been previously imported, an [IMPORTED] indicator will appear in the Description column.
Design Changes Table and Filter
Use the filter tool above the table to show only changes by date range, individual who made the changes, description of changes, note keywords, type, or object (e.g. Appointment, Line Item, Task, etc.). Click Apply Filters to sort the list, or Reset Filters to list all design changes. The Changed By filter layout depends on settings defined in Admin Settings | User Interface | User Selection.
If a design change has been made under Admin Settings, the Change Type column will display "Admin Settings".
Control the amount of design changes displayed in the table by by selecting an option from the Design Changes per Page drop-down menu, located at the bottom right corner of the table. Navigate through the design change pages by clicking the numbers under the table. Warning: Moving from page to page resets the checkboxes you selected. Click Add Selected to Export List before you move on to the next page.
To include a note or details for an individual export change, click the pencil icon under the Notes column, type into the text box and click the check mark
to confirm or the red "x" (
) to cancel. Notes are transferred when importing these design changes.
To include a note or details for multiple design changes in the table, check the boxes of the items for which you would like to include a note, then click the pencil icon located inside the Notes column. A pop-up window appears where you can type in your notes or instructions. Click Apply to confirm or Cancel to exit without saving. Note: If none of the checkboxes are marked, clicking the bulk edit icon has no effect.
Edit Notes
To create an export package, use the following steps:
1. | Click any number of checkboxes from the Design Changes table. |
2. | After selecting the desired design changes, click Add Selected to Export List, located at the bottom of the table. The page refreshes to reflect your selections in the Export List Summary table. |
The items in the Export List Summary table are listed by change ID numbers in ascending order and match the ID numbers in the table from which you initially selected the items. |
3. | Click Export Changes. To remove a change from this selection, click the corresponding checkbox and click Remove Selected from Export List. You do not need to select the checkboxes in order to export the changes. |
When exported, each change includes a list of host names of the servers on which the change was made and any servers on which it was previously imported. It also indicates the user who originally performed the changes. When a change that has be imported is re-exported, the user identified as the one making the change will be displayed as the one who imported it. |
Export List Summary
Upon clicking Export Changes, a text field appears in a pop-up window. Using the Export List Summary field, add notes about individual changes or a description of the export. Click Finish Export to confirm.
Export Changes
Package files can be downloaded from the Recently Created Export Packages table (in the bottom table, shown above) by clicking the hyperlink under the Name column.