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Because the Export Design Changes page only displays the ten (10) most recently created export packages, you can click the View older packages here hyperlink at the bottom of the screen to view all export packages created by any user in the TeamConnect application.

View Older Packages Here Hyperlink

View Older Packages Here Hyperlink

The Design Migration Packages table records the package name, category, file size and type, the name of the individual who has checked out the package (if applicable) and most recent date and time the package was modified.

Additionally, under the Action column, users can view package properties and/or check out the package.

blue box white i icon—View package properties

checkout icon—Check out package

Design Migration Packages Table

Design Migration Packages Table

To filter the table layout, use the arrows in each column header (filter arrows) to sort data alphabetically, chronologically, or by size. Use the Documents per page drop-down menu at the bottom right of the table to control how many documents you see per page.

Open a package with Windows Explorer by clicking the hyperlink under the Name column. In the new pop-up window, select the option to open or save the file to your computer, then click OK.

For additional filter criteria, click Custom Search at the top right of the table.