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At the bottom of the Import Design Changes page, you can view all imported packages in the Imported Change History table.

Imported Change History

Imported Change History

Use the search filter above the Imported Change History table to pinpoint a specific package import, or to view changes made during a specific time range. Click the calendar_icon icons to select "from" and "to" dates, or type a date directly into the date fields.

1.Find changes made by an individual by selecting a TeamConnect user from the Changed By drop-down list, or search by description of the imported package by typing directly into the Description text box.

2.If the imported package contained text in the Notes column, you can search for that package by matching the text in the Notes text box.

3.Click Apply Filters to search using the updated criteria, or Reset Filters to start over. Results display above the search filter.

4.Further refine your search by toggling the direction of the lists using the directional arrows (filter arrows) in each of the column headers. The first click causes the column to list items in ascending order; click again for descending order.

At the bottom of the Imported Change History table, dictate how many design changes you would like to see per page by making a selection from the drop-down list (shown below).

Navigate through multiple pages of design changes using the number hyperlinks or the green arrow icon icon to the left of the drop-down.

design changes per page